KF8150 LDO低压稳压IC
品牌1: KF/科发鑫
静态功耗: 1.5uA
输入电压: ≤8.0V
输出电压: 1.5~3.6V
报价: 0.20元/个
最小起订: 3000 个
库存: 10000000000 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2024-11-14 13:17
浏览次数: 219
手机号: 15815503065
电话: 0755-83538626
在线咨询: 点击这里给我发消息

KF8150 series are a highly precise, lower consumption, 3 terminal, positive voltage regulators manufactured using CMOS and laser trimming technologies. The series provides large currents with a significantly small dropout voltage. The KF8150 consists of a current limiter circuit, a driver transistor, a precision reference voltage and an error correction circuit.The series is compatible with low ESR ceramic capacitors. The current limiter's fold back circuit operates as a short circuit protection as well as the output current limiter for the output pin. Output voltages are intemally by laser trimming technologies. It is selectable in 0.1V increments within a range of 1.2V to 5.0V. KF8150 series are available in SOT-23 and SOT-89 packages.


◎Low power consumption

◎Low voltage drop

◎Low temperature cofflcient

◎Low Current: 1.5uA at 6V

◎Output voltage accuracy: tolerance士2%


◎Battery-powered e

◎Reference voltage sources

◎Cameras,video cameras

◎Portable AV systems

◎Mobile phones

◎Portable games

  • 地址:深圳市龙华新区民治街道民治大道东边商业大厦701—702
  • 电话:0755-83538626
  • 手机:15815503065
  • 传真:0755-83538626
  • 联系人:李小姐