The SGM811 and SGM812 are integrated microprocessor supervisory devices. The devices can be reset under power-up, power-down or even voltage reduction brownout conditions. When VCC is as low as 1V, the reset output can still operate. On the power-on state, the internal timer maintains a 240ms reset assertion that keeps the microprocessor in the reset state until the condition is stable.
The SGM811 has an active-low nRESET output, while the SGM812 has an active-high nRESET output. All devices provide eight reset threshold voltage options for 1.8V, 2.5V, 3V, 3.3V and 5V voltage monitoring.
The devices also provide a manual reset (nMR) function. It can reduce damage that may be caused by loss of control or locking of the system.
The SGM811 and SGM812 are available in Green SOT-143 and SOT-23-5 packages. They operates over an ambient temperature range of -40℃ to +125℃.
Superior Upgrade for MAX811/MAX812 and ADM811/ADM812
High Accuracy Fixed Detection Options: 1.8V, 2.5V, 3V, 3.3V and 5V
Low Current Consumption: 13μA (TYP)
150ms (MIN) Power-On Reset
Reset Output Options: Active-Low nRESET Output
Manual Reset Input
Reset Assertion Down to 1V VCC
-40℃ to +125℃ Operating Temperature Range
Available in Green SOT-143 and SOT-23-5 Packages
Battery-Powered Applications
Portable Equipment
Automotive Equipment
Safety Systems
Intelligent Instruments
Critical μP Power Monitoring