SGM4558 电平转换器IC
品牌1: SGM/圣邦微
工作电压: 2.7-5.5V
封装: TQFN-3×3-20L
批号: 全新原装
报价: 0.50元/个
最小起订: 3000 个
库存: 9999990000 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2023-03-03 13:27
浏览次数: 61
手机号: 15815503065
电话: 0755-83538626
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The SGM4558 is used for the power conversion and the level translation of the signal in the application of SIMs for mobile phones. Also, it can be used for the applications of 1.8V or 3.3V SIMs, which is powered by its internal LDOs from 2.7V to 5.5V input signal. The value of the output voltage can be controlled with the voltage selection pins of the SGM4558 with the maximum load current of 250mA. The function of the channel selection pins is that it can be used to determine the open condition of the specific channel. The two SIM cards can be powered by the SGM4558 at once with the control of the enable pins for each channel, and the fast translation can be made from channel A to channel B.

The level translator integrated on the SGM4558 can boost the input signal which is powered by 1.4V to 1.8V or 3V interface. If the supply voltage is below 3.3V, the lifespan of the battery can be enhanced as the 90μA operating current and 2μA shutdown current.

The SGM4558 is available in a Green TQFN-3×3-20L package. It operates over an ambient temperature range of -40 to +85.


  • Controlling of Two SIM or Smart Cards with the Internal Power Management

  • Both Connected Cards are Powered by the 1.8V/3.3V Power Supply

  • Two LDOs Support up to 250mA Loading

  • Powering Two SIM or Smart Cards at the Same Time

  • Quick Switching from One Channel to Another

  • Automatic Level Translation

  • Fast Rising Time for the Signals

  • Protecting Mechanism for Any Fault Conditions

  • Mechanism which can Activate/Deactivate the Sequence

  • Extreme Low Supply Voltage and Shutdown Current

  • -40 to +85 Operating Temperature Range

  • Available in a Green TQFN-3×3-20L Package


Multiple SIM Card Interfaces

TD-SCDMA, GSM and Other 3G+ Mobile Phones

Wireless Point-of-Sale Terminals

  • 地址:深圳市龙华新区民治街道民治大道东边商业大厦701—702
  • 电话:0755-83538626
  • 手机:15815503065
  • 传真:0755-83538626
  • 联系人:李小姐