The 74LVTH16373 is a 16-bit D-type transparent latch with non-inverting 3-state outputs which is designed for 3.3V supply voltage. The device can provide capability in driving highly capacitive or relatively low-impedance loads, which makes it especially suitable for use in implementing buffer registers, I/O ports, bidirectional bus drivers and working registers.
The device is capable of being used as two 8-bit latches or one 16-bit latch. Each octal is e with a latch enable (nLE) input and an output enable (nOE) input. nDn are data inputs and nQn are data outputs. When nLE is set high, the nQn will appear the data of nDn. When nLE is set low, the nQn will be latched at the levels of the nDn inputs one set-up time preceding the high-to-low transition.
A buffered output enable (nOE) input can make the eight outputs set to either high/low logic levels or high-impedance state.
The bus hold on data inputs makes it unnecessary to use external pull-up/pull-down resistors to hold unused input.
Wide Operating Voltage Range: 3.3V
Input and Output Interface Capability to 5V System Environment
+64mA/-32mA Output Current
16-Bit Transparent Latch
3-State Buffers
Input and Output Switching Levels of TTL
Power-up Reset
Power-up 3-State
No Bus Current Loading when Output is Connected to 5V Bus
No External Pull-up/Pull-down Resistors are Required Due to the Bus Hold on Data Inputs
Support Live Insertion and Extraction
-40℃ to +125℃ Operating Temperature Range
Available in a Green TSSOP-48 Package