SGM7229 模拟信号开关IC
品牌1: SGM/圣邦微
工作电压: 1.8-5.5V
封装: UTQFN-1.8×1.4-10L and MSOP-10
批号: 全新原装
报价: 0.50元/个
最小起订: 3000 个
库存: 9999990000 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2023-03-27 13:34
浏览次数: 168
手机号: 15815503065
电话: 0755-83538626
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The SGM7229 is a DPDT (double-pole/double-throw) analog switch. It operates from a 1.8V to 5.5V single power supply. Each switch of the SGM7229 is bidirectional, which can ensure that the high speed signals have little or no attenuation at the outputs.

The SGM7229 features high speed, low bit-to-bit skew and wide bandwidth. These high performances make it very suitable for multiple applications, such as cellular phones and computer peripherals, etc.

The SGM7229 has power-off and power-on protections. Because of the special circuitry on the D+/D- pins, the device will not be damaged even if VBUS short-circuit occurs during data transmission. In addition, it can prevent accidental from leaking and ensure system reliability under power-down and over-voltage conditions.

The SGM7229 is available in Green MSOP-10 and UT×1.4-10L packages. It operates over an ambient temperature range of -40 to +85.


  • Single Supply Voltage Range: 1.8V to 5.5V

  • On-Resistance: 6Ω (TYP) at 3V

  • High Off-Isolation: -26dB (RL = 50Ω, f = 250MHz)

  • Low Crosstalk: -20dB (RL = 50Ω, f = 250MHz)

  • -3dB Bandwidth: 850MHz

  • Fast Switching Times at VCC = 3.3V:

    tON = 30ns

    tOFF = 18ns

  • Break-Before-Make Switching

  • Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operation

  • Power-Off and Power-On Protections

  • -40 to +85 Operating Temperature Range

  • Available in Green UT×1.4-10L and MSOP-10 Packages


Cellular Phones

Digital Cameras

Portable Equipment

Computer Peripherals

Battery-Powered Systems

Routes Signals for USB 2.0 Full-Speed

  • 地址:深圳市龙华新区民治街道民治大道东边商业大厦701—702
  • 电话:0755-83538626
  • 手机:15815503065
  • 传真:0755-83538626
  • 联系人:李小姐