SGM6060 非同步降压转换器IC
品牌1: SGM/圣邦微
输入电压: 3.8-5.5V
效率: 95%
封装: TDFN-3×3-10L and SOIC-8
报价: 0.50元/个
最小起订: 3000 个
库存: 9999990000 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2023-03-14 09:24
浏览次数: 97
手机号: 15815503065
电话: 0755-83538626
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The SGM6060 is a high voltage and high frequency Buck converter with 2A maximum output current and integrated high-side power MOSFET. It implements peak current mode control to simplify external compensation design.

With a wide input voltage range of 3.8V to 55V, it is suitable for a broad range of applications such as industry equipment.

The SGM6060 operates at fixed frequency and enters PFM (Pulse Frequency Modulation) mode automatically at light load to maintain high efficiency. During startup and thermal shutdown, the frequency foldbackue is used to avoid inductor current runaway for reliable and fault tolerant operation. The current limit foldbackue is used for reducing power consumption during output shorted and suppressing output voltage overshot during recovery.

Switching frequency can be set as high as 2MHz. It minimizes the EMI noise issues that could interfere with nearby systems such as AM radio or ADSL modems.

The SGM6060 is available in Green TDFN-3×3-10L and SOIC-8 (Exposed Pad) packages.


  • 3.8V to 55V Wide Input Voltage Range

  • Adjustable Output Voltage

  • Up to 95% Efficiency

  • PFM Mode at Light Loads

  • Current: 126μA (TYP)

  • Less than 18μA Shutdown Current

  • Internal HS Power MOSFET RDSON: 220mΩ (TYP)

  • Adjustable Switching Frequency: 200kHz to 2MHz

  • Internal Soft-Start Circuit

  • Accurate EN Input Threshold

  • Stable with Ceramic Capacitor

  • Available in Green TDFN-3×3-10L and SOIC-8 (Exposed Pad) Packages


Industrial and Commercial Power Systems

Distributed Power Systems

Aftermarket Automotive Accessories

  • 地址:深圳市龙华新区民治街道民治大道东边商业大厦701—702
  • 电话:0755-83538626
  • 手机:15815503065
  • 传真:0755-83538626
  • 联系人:李小姐